DHS Part Number: 1190050 - Manufacturer Code: INP0117.
Buy the Interpart Inp0117 5M High Efficiency Pump from Direct Heating Spares. This pump features a 5 metre head, with 3 speed control. The Interpart Myson CP53 Pump is responsible for circulating hot water around the central heating system. The units work like an all-in-one cooling and heating system, and are perfectly suited to warmer climates. Delivering effective temperature and humidity control, and efficient energy usage, Lennox heat pumps keep your home's temperature exactly where you want it. Lines Open We also have a large collection of Interpart Manuals that can be downloaded for Lennox® heat pumps are some of the most precise and efficient you can buy. Gas Safety Inspection Pads, Zone Valve and Mid Position Valve Heads, Pump Assemblys, Universal Synchron Motors. stock a wide range of Interpart Boiler and Heating spare parts. Maybe fill/empty system again it to make sure more crap is out. Drain heating system fully to remove newly shifted oxide,etc. Home Forums > How to > Plumbing and Central Heating > Replace Myson CP53 with Grundfoss 15/50? Run for about a day (low pump speed) 6. INTERPART CENTRAL HEATING PUMP MANUAL > READ ONLINE INTERPART CENTRAL HEATING PUMP MANUAL > DOWNLOAD NOW
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